the desk of Rabbi Perry Tirschwell
No post-Chanukah blues at YHS!! It was an exciting week due to
multiple sports team games.
Report cards, PSAT scores, Parent Teacher Conference sign
up forms, and flyers about a College Finance Seminar and
the College Kick- off for Juniors and their Parents went out
in the mail on Thursday.
FYI- Because Yeshiva High-lites is e-mailed late Thursday night,
it does not always include all of Friday's events. These events
often appear in the next week's e-mail.
Shabbat Shalom
Week at YHS |
Nathan Diament, the Director of the Orthodox Union's
Institute of Public Affairs and its Washington office,
spoke to our juniors and seniors on Tuesday, about issues of
interest to the Jewish community being considered by Congress.
The first of a series of programs in the communities
that we serve will take place this weekend. The Shabbaton
for YHS Hollywood Families will include a dinner and oneg
for the faculty, families and students and parent/child Seudat
Shlishit programs including a girls choir performance.
A number of sophomores dedicated part of their Chanukah
day off to take the PLAN exam. The PLAN exam is a
pre-ACT exam, similar to the PSAT's relationship to the SAT.
PLAN is designed for sophomores to take in the late fall. We
have begun offering the PLAN as an option due to the
increasing popularity of the ACT as an alternative to the SAT.
Our student band Torahck and the senior boys and girls
who participated felt great about having helped create the
ruach (music and dancing)for the Hillel Boca Chanukah Chagiga
last Friday. Some middle school students actually asked the
band members for their autographs! We have since received
multiple requests for repeat performances.
Last Shabbat, Rabbi & Mrs. Spodek ran a mini-
shabbaton in Miami Beach for his Miami students including
communal meals at homes of 3 students and a tisch. Thanks to
the Koeningsberg, Schachter and Weiss families for opening
their homes and providing delicious meals.
There's a new Storm in Town! |
In its first week of its first season, our Boys JV
Basketball Team made a big splash in 2 great games. On
Wednesday night, down 7 points with 1 minute left, they came
from behind to win it. Mazel to Jonathan Struhl, who scored 37
points, placing him #3 in YHS History (behind Yogev Berdugo
and Elana Kasztl) in points scored in a game.
Our Boys Varsity Basketball played three games this
week! A solid effort was made by the entire team, including
games where Haviv Cohen scored 15 points, Hudi Moscowitz
scored 13 points, many assists by Aron Smolley, and amazing
rebounds by Danny Krasna and Daniel Poliak.
Our Girls Varsity Basketball Team lost a close game,
38-34. An amazing effort was put forth by the entire team,
including 18 points scored by Elana Kasztl, many assists by
Shira Pritzker and 2 unfortunate injuries to Jessica Struhl
and Dina Turetsky.
Mazel tov to the Girls Soccer Team on its 1-1
tie game Tuesday against Wellington Christian, and to Kayla
Kowal who scored the goal.
Come out this weekend to the Big Saturday Night
Doubleheader girls and boys varsity basketball games at
7:30 PM and 9:30PM respectively at Grandview Prep on Spanish
River Blvd. in Boca Raton.
Week at YHS |
On Tuesday at 8:00 PM, there will be a presentation
given by our college guidance counselor, Judi Robinovitz for
freshman and sophomore parents on Demystifying PSAT scores
and the New SAT.
On Wednesday, Rabbi Seth Mandel, father of slain
12 year old Tekoa resident Koby Mandel HY"D who has become an
unofficial spokesman fror victims of Arab Terror, will be
speaking during Shacharit.
Also on Wednesday, our Seniors are going with the
Horowitzes and Spodeks to a Panthers vs. Mapleleafs Hockey
game at the Office Depot Center (formerly the National Car
Rental Center). Some of the seniors are meeting for dinner in
Hollywood, leaving at 6:30PM from there to the 8:00 PM game.
The seniors are providing their own rides.
There will be a special siyum and breakfast in
commemoration of the yarzheit of Mr. Eitan Schwarzbaum on
Friday morning, father of junior Tzvi and freshman Meir.
World renowned scientist and author Dr. Gerald
Schroeder will speak to the student body about Evolution,
Dinosaurs and Torah on Friday
Friday is also the deadline for lunch orders for
the month of January.
Upcoming Events at YHS |
On Wednesday, December 25, there will be an
early dismissal at 12:15.
Yehuda Katz of the Israeli band Reva LaSheva
will be performing a kumsitz / concert for the entire student
body on Thursday, December 26.
The freshman class is invited to a Miami Heat
game on the evening of Monday, December 30. Transportation
and tickets are $18. Buses will drop students off in each
community afterwards.
Monday, Jan. 6- College Kick-Off program for Juniors
and their parents with Mrs. Judi Robinovitz at 8:00 PM.
On the evening of Wednesday, January 29, Parent
Teacher Conferences will take place. From 8:30- 9:30 PM
there will be an optional College Finance Planning Seminar
open to parents of students in all grades.
Please send in checks to reserve seats for the musical
Les Miserables for the 8:00 PM performance on
Wednesday, January 8 at the Jackie Gleason Theater in Miami
Beach. We are offering these seats on a first come, first
serve basis to mothers and daughters (girls can attend without
their mothers as well) at the price of $54.20 per ticket.
Please call Marcelle at the office.
The YHS production of the musical "Annie" will take
place on the evenings of Tuesday, February 25 and Wednesday,
February 26 at the Crescent Theater in Delray Beach. Director
Liz Saddler and the entire cast and crew have been hard at
work on what promises to be an excellent performance.
| |
Mazel tov
to the Boys JV Storm Basketball Team on their 2-0
Record!! |